Get more freelance clients in just 30 days

Successfully market your services in just 30 minutes a day, for 30 days, with a cohort of committed freelancers.

Join the waitlist.

The March/April Session of the Freelancer Marketing Habit is already underway but the next session starts soon. Leave your details here and I'll be in touch with dates and more information.


Stop worrying about where new business will come from

Developing a consistent marketing habit will allow you to focus on just delivering great work.

Focusing on marketing for 30 minutes each day:

  • Gets your work in front of more people to build credibility

  • Helps you understand better who you seek to serve

  • Exposes you to potential clients and generates leads

  • Creates higher demand for your services, which empowers you to charge more

Small daily actions add up over time. Soon you will have work booked out for two months, then three months and more. After 30 days, the habit of marketing yourself will be a part of your everyday cycle.

Join our next session.

You will get...

  • Dedicated time to think creatively about your marketing strategy.

  • Access to a group of supportive freelancers who foster accountability

  • A 30-minute one-on-one session with me in addition to the daily calls, to talk about your marketing strategy.

  • Techniques to improve your marketing capabilities

  • Asynchronous email with me during the 30 days

  • Workbooks, Frameworks, and Templates that I use every day

  • Feedback on your marketing approach

And you will become someone who…

  • Has a bias to action, with the confidence to consistently ship

  • Creates a marketing mindset that is more “speed up and slow down” than “stop and start” 

  • Focuses on the activities that contribute the most to your success, ignoring the non-essential

  • Has the confidence to craft strong offers, with the right message, for the right audience

Simple and effective process

Step 1: Join on Zoom

Step 2: Commit out loud to the group what you will work on for the next 30 minutes, and why. For example:

  • Lead generation

  • Website updates

  • Proposal creation

  • LinkedIn outreach

  • Creating content to drive traffic

Step 3: Begin! We work on mute with cameras on or off for 30 minutes.

Based on experience

Conor McCarthy Portrait Lo-Res Square Color.png

I have coached hundreds of business builders through Ramon Ray’s Small Business Workshop and Bernadette Jiwa’s Story Skills Workshop, as well as Seth Godin’s altMBA, Freelancer's Workshop, Marketing Seminar and Bootstrappers Workshops.

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“Conor really helped me see the bigger picture through his unique way of guiding the conversation and peppering our time together with big questions…He steered the conversation from contemplation to action. I felt heard AND guided, which was exactly what I was looking for; impartial and practical solutions to big business decisions. It has helped me immensely…if there were an Oscars speech for this, Conor would be top of my list of thank-you’s”

Carla Bredin, CEO of Wild Healthy


“He's been able to help people, including me, think strategically through tough problems to find solutions that drive results. He's always learning, building, and growing through various projects, and loves to help others do the same.”

Jade Waterman, Jjellyfish

Worrying about where new business will come from doesn’t bring new business in the door.

The price per person for the 30 days is €280/$340 payable by bank transfer, PayPal or Stripe. For less than a tenner a day, work on a strategy that will grow your client base and cement a habit that only returns value.

Sign up below to be a part of the next Cohort

Join the waitlist.

The March/April Session of the Freelancer Marketing Habit is already underway but the next session starts soon. Leave your details here and I'll be in touch with dates and more information.