What if…the answers to all your business problems are already in your head?

If you own a business and are stuck on something, I can give you actionable steps on what to do next.


Is this you?

  • I'm stuck on my business?

  • I don't know what to do next?

  • I can’t decide what to do in this situation

Here’s the thing. This is normal, and it’s not a problem.

It’s your business, and you have the answers. It’s just that sometimes, they are buried or hidden from us.

Sometimes we need help uncovering them.

That’s my job.

In fact, the first one is free so you can see what I'm talking about. Click here to set up a free 30-minute call today. [Calendly link]

Here is my promise. My calls will leave you:

  • Motivated

  • Focused

  • Clear

  • Confident

I won’t give you the answer, but I'll open new doors so you can find the answer more easily. The next steps will become obvious.

Having coached hundreds of business owners, I have seen “patterns of problems” emerge. The main pattern? Mental stuck-ness.

And for those problems, books, listicles, and courses fall short of giving you the answers you need. (In fact, they can make it worse through information overload)

Instead, you need someone to help you reach through the fog of thoughts and grasp the solution that you already have.

I'll help you see clearly the answers that you hold.

"Conor's powerful style of conversation and questions has allowed me to uncover what’s important and the best actions to take as I validate and create my new business. He has encouraged and helped me to grow at every opportunity. Working with Conor has saved me days and weeks of time and I look forward to working with him in the future"

Eoghan Sheehy

Here is how it works


1. No prep, we just talk. I mostly listen. You mainly offload.

2. I ask questions where I feel something important has been mentioned. (Often it’s here that we find the good stuff)

3. Together, we discover why you're stuck, and what to do about it. I give you actionable next steps.

“He's been able to help people, including me, think strategically through tough problems to find solutions that drive results. He's always learning, building, and growing through various projects, and loves to help others do the same.”

Who am I?

I'm Conor McCarthy, and I'm confident this will work for you.

Why am I so confident?

I’ve started multiple businesses, and I’ve coached tons of other business builders, from freelancers to founders and bootstrappers.

I’ve spent countless hours helping people build businesses to scale and sell, lifestyle businesses, and non-profits.

The myriad problems I heard on those calls started to fall into patterns, and I started to notice commonalities about ways to solve those problems. I tried different approaches to dig deeper and figured out what worked.

Soon, through my questions, I was able to help people get answers, fast.

  • (If you are building a business, and you don't have someone in your life doing this for you, you should find one. The breakthroughs are often astonishing.)

    Often, it’s just one high-quality question that unlocks the solutions you’d never even considered.

    My goal? Short sessions. Rapid breakthroughs.

    The breakthroughs are fast because, as mentioned earlier, you hold the solutions already.

    And you're busy, so fast is better, right?

    I won’t tie you into a drawn-out and expensive coaching contract, adding another framework to your plate. You don't need that.

    What you need (and what I will provide) is clarity. You will get clear on:

    • The biggest roadblocks standing in your way

    • What to prioritise

    • Which small actions will instantly create momentum

What does it cost?

Let’s face it, if you made it this far, you think this is something you need. And you are also thinking - how much is this?

The price for a full 60-minute session is €120 (~$140/£100), with discounts when you buy multiple sessions.

You might see that and think - that’s inexpensive compared to other coaching plans. And it is.

But you still don't know what it’s like to work with me and haven't experienced the clarity I can provide. Maybe even just €120 still feels like too much.

So I want to encourage you to give it a try and have your first session for free.

That's right. A free 30-minute session – Schedule yours right now.

When was the last time you saw a real return in just 30 minutes? (You would be surprised how much you can cover in 30 minutes)

Once you understand your thoughts and the things that are getting in your way, you stop wasting time.

You know exactly what to do. And you get on with it – with a clear head.

Since you’re a business owner, I know you’re all about action.

So jump in and schedule your session right now, before something else distracts you!

Discover for yourself what a difference this makes.


Conor McCarthy
Founder & Coach